PhotoBuffet by Tish
Welcome to the world through my lens. Here I showcase all of my best work that I have done in the past 10 years. Photography has taken me through various journeys in life including traveling and working overseas and a short career in journalism. However, through it all it photography has taught me a powerful life lesson - stay true to your passions and don't let other people determine your greatness. 
It took me more than 10 years to realise that photography to me is about myself. It is not about taking the best photo so that it can get the most "likes" on Facebook. It's about taking a beautiful photo and acknowledging it to myself before flaunting it for the world to see. Yes, there are some off days where I don't get the right shot, but there are also wonderful days where the world opens up and I'm in the fortunate position to be behind my camera lens.
I sincerely hope, if you stumbled across this website by accident, that you enjoy this short journey of photos. Just enjoy the wonder of photography as an art and how nature can be captured. And if you see an image you would like to purchase (either digitally or in print) feel free to head over to my Facebook page or contact me through this site.